Quick Brief, 7 August 2024: Hotel mass murder – angry political rioters torch 5-star hotel in Bangladesh, killing 25 and wounding 150

08 August, 2024 Hotel Attacks

(Muir Analytics’ Quick Brief is broadly based on the Pentagon EXSUM briefing method. The aim is to quickly explain an evolving hotel threat issue in about 15 lines in executive summary format. Muir has added a quick analysis of the issue that can help hotels mitigate certain risks).

Chain of events

  1. The Daily Messenger says the Zabeer Jashjore, aka the Zabeer International Hotel, in Jasssore, Bangladesh, was set on fire on 5 August 2024 by a riotous mob bent on political violence.
  2. The Zabeer Jashjore, located at 1256 Maulana Mohammad Ali Road, Jessore, 7400, Bangladesh, is a 14-story, 5-star property popular with Bangladeshi business travelers and VIPs.
  3. CNBCTV18 reports that the attack killed 25 and wounded over 150, the latter of which suffered from severe burns and smoke inhalation.
  4. The hotel attack was part of an ongoing, countrywide political protest from June this year that stemmed from, as The Guardian describes it, student anger over 30% of government jobs going to descendants of combat veterans from Bangladesh’s bloody 1971 War of Independence from Pakistan.
  5. Citizens angry over additional political issues joined the student protests, which became violent.
  6. The government took the following mitigation measures: a) it deployed military and police to quell the violence, b) it deployed political activists from the leading political party (the Awami League, AL) plus others as counter-demonstrators, c) it shut down the Internet, d) it closed universities, and e) it established a curfew.
  7. The Economic Times and the BBC say after widespread property damage and 440 being killed between June and early August, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned, fled the country, and thousands took to the streets throughout Bangladesh in celebration, which included mass looting and vandalism of key government buildings, plus AL-linked businesses, and even homes of Hindus and Buddhists.
  8. Pragativadi and the Daily Messenger say the rioters held a victory march, and at 3:45 pm, scores surged into the Zabeer Jashjore hotel, looting and vandalizing it because a prominent AL leader, Shahin Chakladar, owns it.
  9. At 4:15 pm, says the Daily Messenger, the rioters set the hotel’s ground floor on fire, which quickly spread to the upper floors. (This outlet also referenced the fire breaking out at 11:30 pm, likely an editing mistake, because pictures show the building fully on fire during the late afternoon, not the evening).
  10. UPI says the mob initially blocked multiple fire trucks from accessing the burning hotel, but they eventually managed to get to the site and control the blaze after several hours.
  11. An Air Force helicopter tried to rescue stranded guests but could only extract a single person from the roof or a small group from a balcony – reports are unclear on this point.
  12. Pragativadi says the hotel sustained severe fire damage, with photos showing it engulfed in flames and structurally damaged – cooked, to be specific.
  13. Police and military were deployed to quell the hotel attack and restore order, resulting in several arrests, says Moneycontrol, but the damage had already been done.
  14. CNBCTV18 quoted a hotel staff member who survived the attack, stating, “It was a nightmare; the flames spread so quickly, and we couldn’t save everyone.”
  15. UPI says a fireman involved in the rescue efforts said, “The fire was so intense that our efforts were hindered; we did our best under the circumstances.”

Photo source; X, Trending News, @Trend_War_Newss, 6 August 2024.

Photo source: X, Trending News, @Trend_War_Newss, 6 August 2024.

Analytical Takeaways

There are four takeaways. First, while the exact method of fire setting in this case is not yet known, arson was, nevertheless, a highly effective tactic in causing maximum destruction and casualties. The onslaught left little time for the hotel’s occupants to escape, resulting in a high death toll. In insurance terms, this was a total loss event.

Second, strategically, the attackers’ end goal was likely to intimidate and destabilize the political establishment by targeting a monied hotel associated with the ruling party. The rioters achieved this goal, as the attack garnered significant media attention and highlighted the government’s vulnerability.

Third, because this act of mass violence – mass murder, more precisely – was clearly linked to an ongoing politically violent feud, it can be considered an act of terrorism.

Fourth, because Bangladesh’s current violence is not yet stabilized from both a physical security and a political standpoint, the risk of continued riots, malicious damages, and terrorism will remain exceedingly high.

Muir Analytics runs the world’s largest, most sophisticated hotel violence database – the SecureHotel Threat Portal – with over 3,400 hotel attacks (and growing). We can provide the hospitality, insurance, and law enforcement/government sectors with intelligence that facilitates full-spectrum risk reduction, which helps hotels protect guests, staff, buildings, brands, and revenues. Contact us for a consultation:  1-833-DATA-444.

Sources and further reading:

18 die at Zabeer International Hotel in Jashore,” Daily Messenger, 6 August 2024.

At least 135 killed in Monday unrest in Bangladesh, situation remains tense,” Economic Times, 6 August 2024.

Bangladesh riots: 25 burnt alive as mob sets hotel on fire,” CNBCTV18, 6 August 2024.

Bangladesh riots: 24 burnt alive as mob sets hotel owned by Awami League leader on fire,” Moneycontrol, 6 August 2024.

Bangladesh riots: 24 people burnt alive as mob set fire to hotel,” Pragativadi, 6 August 2024.

Dozens killed after hotel torched in Bangladesh,” UPI, 6 August 2024.

There is no law and order. And Hindus are being targeted again,” BBC 6 August 2024.

Trending News, @Trend_War_Newss, 6 August 2024, “The burning five-star Zabeer International Hotel in Jessore, set on fire by rioters in Bangladesh,” https://x.com/Trend_War_Newss/status/1820793027838759100/photo/2, https://x.com/Trend_War_Newss/status/1820793027838759100/photo/3.

Bangladesh student protests turn into ‘mass movement against a dictator’,” The Guardian, 26 July 2024.

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